tisdag 27 september 2011
I am a WIFE now...
The day was fabulous. Lots of friends and family and not to mention Love and Laughter. Yes, it was probably as nauseatingly "cute" as it sounds. Husband kept on tearing up in church and I just kept laughing at him as he was the one who wasn't "too bothered about the whole marriage thing" as it should not make a difference [true]. But, he did say it meant so much more than he could ever have imagined. I know, that it was seeing our little Boy walking down the aisle next to his cousin that set Husband of.
There's nothing that I would change - not the stress with the soloist cancelling 10 days before or finding a new one, not the hassle/stress with so called friends who kept demanding to be picked up/dropped off at the train station the day before or the day after our wedding (although I'm still pretty upset with them) or anything else, for that matter.
My parents had worked the beeee-hiiinds off to get it spot on and they were worried I wouldn't like the decorations. They needn't have worried as it was perfect. Everything was something that was personal to us, something that showed who we were. Others might not have gotten everything but who cares? It was our wedding, not theirs. Birches, moss, pinecones (I am a country girl through and through) and so on and so on.
So, would I do it again?
Heck, NO!
Vegas is always an option.... ;)
I doubt I'll write here again but it was fun while it lasted even though the posts are far and few between.
Ta Ta xx
söndag 21 augusti 2011
Getting Excited!
Anyhow, Boyfriend and I just sorted a few things out. Like the favours and I am getting more and more excited. The things that were sort of getting messed up - soloist having to cancel - are sorting themselves out and I spoke to the new soloist today and I cannot thank her enough for doing this on such short notice. One of my cousins have also worked her arse off to find a new girl as she recommended the first one and luckily she also knows a lot more people around here so she knew of this new girl. But it hasn't been easy for her and I'll make sure she knows I know and appreciate it all.
And just to top it all. Baby N pooped on the patio today. I must say I am glad it was on the patio and not in the pool. It would have taken longer to clean up all the toys and the pool... And yet I am really excited.
Christ on a Bike...
torsdag 11 augusti 2011
En två tre, en två tre
Inte lång tid kvar nu...
onsdag 3 augusti 2011
Snart dags!
Idag är det exakt en månad kvar tills jag blir fru Grefven :-) Det mesta är fixat men kvar är fluga till Grefven, bordsplaceringar, smaka tårtan och skriva ut program. Och att närvara vid Ems bröllop helgen innan förstås :-)
Engelsk artighet
måndag 18 juli 2011
fredag 1 juli 2011
It ain't heavy, it's my dress
It's the first one I chose and paid for but the third one to enter this very household.
You may ask "huh?". And if I hadn't done this myself, then I'd say so too. You see, I bought this dress but then had a panic as I knew it wouldn't get here until July (I thought mid/late) which, if it was totally wrong, could be a disaster and I'd end up wearing something I'd have to pick out the day before and therefore get married in an ill fitting, ugly dress. So to at least have a back up dress I would be happy to wear, I decided I needed an extra. So I bought two.
Yes, two.
Out of those two, one was absolutely a wearable, make-me-feel-pretty-and-flattering dress. I'd only need to alter the length and the colour is very nice -dark ivory. The other one was very pretty and all that but when I put it on, it just felt wrong. But as it turns out I won't need any of those two dresses because THE DRESS arrived today!!
It's so pretty, oh so pretty (and heavy) and it just needs a bit of tweaking to get the perfect fit but it's so right... and just how it looked on the picture. Baby N smiled when I quickly tried it on and I chose to take that as a "oh-mamma-you're-the-prettiest-girl-ever-and-I'll-never-find-a-girl-that's-as-good-and-pretty-as-you" and not "oh-dear-lord-I'd-better-smile-and-then-go-in-for-the-kill-to-save-the-world-from-such-hideousness" in a Stewie Griffin kind of way. It's easy when he doesn't really talk.
I won't look like the girl on the picture but very few people do anyway as she's stunning (think Mila Kunis but taller). I just know that I am very happy and I will feel pretty walking towards the love of my life (Baby N) and my husband-to-be (whatever his name is).
Now... those darned shoes!!
torsdag 23 juni 2011
Nya skor...igen.
måndag 6 juni 2011
Let there be shoes
Och ja, den är hemlig fram till bröllopet :p
onsdag 27 april 2011
Bild kommer snart...
onsdag 20 april 2011
Stora steg framåt
Grefven har ritat upp en skalenlig modell av ladan vi ska ha festen i och vi har kommit fram till att vi kan få plats med alla gäster. Men det blir trångt. Typ.
Vid det här laget borde också de flesta inbjudningar ha kommit fram - hurra för att gästerna älskar inbjudningskortet lika mycket som jag gör!
onsdag 13 april 2011
Vi är på väg
torsdag 31 mars 2011
Visst ska vi gifta oss
Bröllopsbudgeten verkar hålla iaf, vi har redan sparat ihop mer än budgetplanen hade tänkt - detta tack vare att vi jobbat såpass mycket att det inte funnits ork och tid att spendera pengarna...
Jag längtar nu till påsk- och sommarlovet så bröllopsplanerandet sätts igång ordentligt.
torsdag 24 mars 2011
Still on
söndag 6 mars 2011
torsdag 3 mars 2011
torsdag 17 februari 2011
What's in a name?
Åh dessa bekymmer!
onsdag 16 februari 2011
Tra la la så intressant
Min åsikt är att det suger.
måndag 14 februari 2011
söndag 13 februari 2011
Great Minds Think Alike
...it's time to send out the Save the Date Cards to my "homies" i.e. the ones living in Sweden. The English guests have already received theirs but they might need a tiinsy winsy bit more time to plan and book flights etc. So if everything goes to plan I'll post the StDC tomorrow. Finally!
Full fart framåt
Nu börjar det på riktigt!
tisdag 8 februari 2011
Budget schmudget
Me will be cheap bride ;p
lördag 5 februari 2011
F**k This Shit...
Samoa - paradiset pa jorden och dar jag, en sydsvensk bonnatos, kande att jag hittat mitt andra hem.
måndag 31 januari 2011
Mr Darcy på mitt bröllop

Klart jag ska ha Darcy-konfetti på bröllopet! Beställda från Etsy.
Och likadana fast från Shakespeare klickades också med...
söndag 30 januari 2011
Miss E's Turning Up the Heat
I might take up smoking. I've heard that people light up a cigarette when they get stressed. + if I start, I can stop and that will apparently save me loads of money. That's what they say anyway.
Please hand me a paperbag...
Update: as Miss E pointed out that I'd gain weight if I stopped smoking, it made me remember that alot of models etc smoke to stay thin... I'm not a model but am I wrong in thinking that taking up smoking wouldn't be so bad - for just a little while? ;)
Galen head piece
Back on track
Jag har blivit pepp inför bröllopet igen. Hurra!!!
lördag 29 januari 2011
Nu kan jag stå brud!
Klänningen hittades av Camilla (min bröllopsfotograf) och Missy och jag fick inte gå ifrån affären förrän jag köpt den, så jag var ju tvungen att lyssna på dem. Ska bara göra en liten ändring så är jag nöjd.
Då så. Spännande. Ska vänja mig vid att se mig själv i gammaldags vaniljvit klänning. Ska också hitta färgglada skor och accessoarer till.
onsdag 26 januari 2011

Klänningen är från Ilse Jacobsen
tisdag 25 januari 2011
Snart så...
Så. Positive thinking!
söndag 23 januari 2011
To Tan or Not To Tan

onsdag 19 januari 2011
Photo Phobia
tisdag 18 januari 2011
måndag 17 januari 2011
Back to Square 1
Gaaaaaaaaaarrrrrgh!! or just plain good ole' shit.
lördag 15 januari 2011
Kalla fötter?
Nu börjar jag tänka igen men nu känns allt bara blä. Jag har inget emot äktenskap, jag anser mig redan vara gift med Grefven men själva bröllopet skrämmer mig. Jag gillar inte ens att fira födelsedagen - det är ju påtvingad uppmärksamhet. Samma sak med ett bröllop - vare sig man vill eller inte så finns det sociala krav på ett bröllop. Bruden ska vara det vackraste hon någonsin varit, festen ska vara fantastisk, alla ska ha trevligt osv. När jag har funderat bröllop har jag tänkt mig jag och Grefven ensamma ute i en skog nånstans. Två vittnen (fotografen är ett av dem) och en snubbe som gifter oss. Det räcker för mig. Enkel klädsel, kanske bara en söt vanlig klänning och ett par coola skor.
Istället blir det världens fest med lite över 100 pers. Grefven älskar fest och han har en otroligt stor familj och massvis med vänner. Visst kan vi iofs gifta oss själva innan festen - men ska vi ändå ha den där stora festen kan vi lika väl gifta oss samma dag. Jag får väl ta några glas bubbel innan...
Iaf, förlåt det långa inlägget. Behövde skriva av mig. Jag tror det blir bättre när jag väl kommit på vad f***n jag ska ha på mig. Inte brudklänning iaf.
fredag 14 januari 2011
Ring My Bell
Anyhow. We've got a super nice rowing machine at home and it's now easy to get to it as Boyfriend's office has been cleared of various music equipment/junk. And I'm also thinking of buying a 6kg kettlebell (will buy an 8kg one if I like it) to do some exercises.
So, with the rowing, walking Baby N and kettlebelling, I must be able to shift (lose) weight or there's something seriously wrong. Obviously I am also thinking about the type of food I'm eating, more protein and not as much carbs...
I need to point out that it's not just because of the wedding I'm doing this. It's because I know I will feel better about myself. But the wedding is definitely a boost.
måndag 10 januari 2011
On Top of My Head
Though it is a bit sad that we cannot use the crown I must say that I would only have worn it because it would have been lovely to continue the tradition. I would not have picked it out myself as it's a bit too ornate for my taste and I can only imagine the strain of wearing such a heavy thing on my head and trying to have fun. I'd probably cry for a paracetamol when I should be saying "I do".
I might see if I can wear the same crown my sister had or I might wear a type of bridal fascinator or nothing at all. I've seen a fascinator that I'd love to wear and it's stunning. I'd have to import it from the US though and it'd cost a lot but it's very, very pretty and it would be a little bit different to what people would ordinarily wear, so that would be neat.
But It's sort of coming together now. My mom is impressed by how much I've sorted out/decided on as I am usually a last minute kind of girl.
*we're talking 2cm+ in diameter