fredag 14 januari 2011

Ring My Bell

It's time to make it official - the whole losing weight thing... I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. But I hate being flabby and fat even more so I have no choice, really. Gyms are not for me. I get bored faster than I can get on the exercise bike and all fit and toned people who make it look so effortless makes me ashamed of myself and I just want to leave.

Anyhow. We've got a super nice rowing machine at home and it's now easy to get to it as Boyfriend's office has been cleared of various music equipment/junk. And I'm also thinking of buying a 6kg kettlebell (will buy an 8kg one if I like it) to do some exercises.

So, with the rowing, walking Baby N and kettlebelling, I must be able to shift (lose) weight or there's something seriously wrong. Obviously I am also thinking about the type of food I'm eating, more protein and not as much carbs...

I need to point out that it's not just because of the wedding I'm doing this. It's because I know I will feel better about myself. But the wedding is definitely a boost.

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