My grandmother, on my mother's side, came from a noble family and with that certain "rights" (I guess you can call it that) that also are "my rights". One of those would be to be allowed to wear a
2.4kg silver crown and jewellery that belongs to the crown all belonging to
Ebba Brahe. My grandmother wore it on her wedding day, my mom and my aunt wore it on theirs. When my sister was to say "I do" they contacted the church where it's held and were told that due to age and wear and tear the crown and the other stuff were no longer to be used - even though by law they could not say no to us. Anyway, my sister decided not to as it was too fragile to risk it and wore another more modern one with MASSIVE* pearls instead. Very pretty.
Though it is a bit sad that we cannot use the crown I must say that I would only have worn it because it would have been lovely to continue the tradition. I would not have picked it out myself as it's a bit too ornate for my taste and I can only imagine the strain of wearing such a heavy thing on my head and trying to have fun. I'd probably cry for a paracetamol when I should be saying "I do".
I might see if I can wear the same crown my sister had or I might wear a type of
bridal fascinator or nothing at all. I've seen a fascinator that I'd love to wear and it's stunning. I'd have to import it from the US though and it'd cost a lot but it's very, very pretty and it would be a little bit different to what people would ordinarily wear, so that would be neat.
But It's sort of coming together now. My mom is impressed by how much I've sorted out/decided on as I am usually a last minute kind of girl.
*we're talking 2cm+ in diameter