tisdag 27 september 2011

I am a WIFE now...

Dearie me, does it not make me sound ancient?? Well, I absolutely love being married and that's probably just the way it should be, right? ;)

The day was fabulous. Lots of friends and family and not to mention Love and Laughter. Yes, it was probably as nauseatingly "cute" as it sounds. Husband kept on tearing up in church and I just kept laughing at him as he was the one who wasn't "too bothered about the whole marriage thing" as it should not make a difference [true]. But, he did say it meant so much more than he could ever have imagined. I know, that it was seeing our little Boy walking down the aisle next to his cousin that set Husband of.

There's nothing that I would change - not the stress with the soloist cancelling 10 days before or finding a new one, not the hassle/stress with so called friends who kept demanding to be picked up/dropped off at the train station the day before or the day after our wedding (although I'm still pretty upset with them) or anything else, for that matter.

My parents had worked the beeee-hiiinds off to get it spot on and they were worried I wouldn't like the decorations. They needn't have worried as it was perfect. Everything was something that was personal to us, something that showed who we were. Others might not have gotten everything but who cares? It was our wedding, not theirs. Birches, moss, pinecones (I am a country girl through and through) and so on and  so on.

So, would I do it again?

Heck, NO!

Vegas is always an option....  ;)

I doubt I'll write here again but it was fun while it lasted even though the posts are far and few between.

Ta Ta xx

söndag 21 augusti 2011

Getting Excited!

Boyfriend arrived yesterday but I didn't get to see him as my sister, cousins and a couple of friends kidnapped me on a hen-do. It was great fun. I got a massage at a spa, we did loads of fun things. I scraped my knee so I am glad I am wearing a long dress on Saturday or I would have made it more noticeable by wearing a cartoon plaster. That's me.
Anyhow, Boyfriend and I just sorted a few things out. Like the favours and I am getting more and more excited. The things that were sort of getting messed up - soloist having to cancel - are sorting themselves out and I spoke to the new soloist today and I cannot thank her enough for doing this on such short notice. One of my cousins have also worked her arse off to find a new girl as she recommended the first one and luckily she also knows a lot more people around here so she knew of this new girl. But it hasn't been easy for her and I'll make sure she knows I know and appreciate it all.

And just to top it all. Baby N pooped on the patio today. I must say I am glad it was on the patio and not in the pool. It would have taken longer to clean up all the toys and the pool... And yet I am really excited.







Christ on a Bike...

torsdag 11 augusti 2011

En två tre, en två tre

Så ja, klädseln är fixad för Brud och Brudgum (och några av de barn som ska vara med), programmet är påbörjat, bröllopstårtorna avsmakade och as we speak håller vi på och tränar bröllopsdansen.

Inte lång tid kvar nu...

onsdag 3 augusti 2011

Snart dags!

Idag är det exakt en månad kvar tills jag blir fru Grefven :-) Det mesta är fixat men kvar är fluga till Grefven, bordsplaceringar, smaka tårtan och skriva ut program. Och att närvara vid Ems bröllop helgen innan förstås :-)

Engelsk artighet

Ar sa less pa folk som inte kan RSVP:a. Detta galler framst [endast] vara engelska "vanner" da alla svenska gaster svarat i tid. Det ar en jakla skillnad pa "Oh, yes I'm planning to come" och "Yes, I am coming". Det forsta foreslar att de ska kolla sa att de kan komma dvs. jobb, flyg etc etc. och det andra uttrycket att de faktiskt kommer.

Nu vill jag inte att ni tror jag ar en bridezilla vad galler det har - jag tycker det ar helt OK om folk inte kan komma da det ar en bit att aka, det kostar en del pengar, maste kanske ta ledigt en dag. Men varfor inte saga om de kan eller inte?? Sista anmalningsdatum kom och gick och endast ett fatal svarade. Vi har skickat mail, smsat men nanemen.

Vad galler saken ar ocksa att vi ordnat ett riktigt bra pris pa vandrarhem/B&B for dem som vill och det har ju folk givetvis tyckt varit bra. Allt for att underlatta deras resa da det inte finns manga alternativ i skogarna runt min hemby. Men. Tror ni de svarat da vi bett om detaljer for hur manga natter/rum etc till ett visst datum? Nej. i Sondags skickade vi, ett for oss, sista mail, och vi har fatt 2 svar och vet ni vad svaren sa? Jo, att de garna vill bo pa det stallet vi fixat ett bra pris for (vi far betala underskottet). Men tror ni att de svarar pa nar de kommer/aker??


David tycker jag ska sluta stressa men ar det sa latt? Jag tycker inte vi ska behova BE om svar - ar det inte sa att man ar glad och 'hedrad' over att bli tillfragad om man vill dela sina vanners enormt viktiga dag? Det blir i alla fall jag!

Vi har nagra vanner som fragat om de kan lamna svar lite senare vad galler att komma och det ar da pga att de har precis fatt och ska fa barn (skulle fatt i fredags) - och det ar helt forstaeligt och inga problem for oss da de latit oss veta detta i god tid.

Som sagt, jag tycker det ar helt ok om man inte kan komma - alla har ett eget liv att leva och det ar ju inget tvang att komma men man kan val for faen saga det da??

Jag ar sa enormt besviken pa dessa vanner som vi ofta hjalpt med bade det ena och det andra och speciellt nar man forstar hur lite de vardesatter nagot som ar sa betydelsefullt for oss.

Ja ja, jag ar val lite for kanslig for att ordna med sant har, men ledsen blir jag allt. Och stressad och kan darmed inte sova sa det ar darfor detta skrivs klockan 5 pa morgonen vilket betyder att Baby N snart slar upp sina bla for annu en fartfylld dag. Jag ska forsoka sluta stressa, det viktigaste ar ju trots allt att Baby N och David ar en del av mitt liv.

måndag 18 juli 2011


Just a little more than a month to go and I am bricking it at the same time as I am sort of feeling a lassiez faire type of attitude. It's a very weird feeling.

Anyhow - have quite a few things I have to send to Sweden or maybe I should just pack an extra suitcase and take the fine at the check-in... Sooo much stuff. And then there's the stuff for Baby N and Boyfriend. Although I think Boyfriend will have to carry his own stuff when he arrived 10 days after me. And all the boutonnieres that we have bought. Isn't Etsy just the pip?

At the moment I am taking the opportunity to have a morning snooze in my armchair. I can't think when I had the chance to do that last. or was it Friday? ;)

fredag 1 juli 2011

It ain't heavy, it's my dress

It's the first one I chose and paid for but the third one to enter this very household.

You may ask "huh?". And if I hadn't done this myself, then I'd say so too. You see, I bought this dress but then had a panic as I knew it wouldn't get here until July (I thought mid/late) which, if it was totally wrong, could be a disaster and I'd end up wearing something I'd have to pick out the day before and therefore get married in an ill fitting, ugly dress. So to at least have a back up dress I would be happy to wear, I decided I needed an extra. So I bought two.

Yes, two.

Out of those two, one was absolutely a wearable, make-me-feel-pretty-and-flattering dress. I'd only need to alter the length and the colour is very nice -dark ivory. The other one was very pretty and all that but when I put it on, it just felt wrong. But as it turns out I won't need any of those two dresses because THE DRESS arrived today!!

It's so pretty, oh so pretty (and heavy) and it just needs a bit of tweaking to get the perfect fit but it's so right... and just how it looked on the picture. Baby N smiled when I quickly tried it on and I chose to take that as a "oh-mamma-you're-the-prettiest-girl-ever-and-I'll-never-find-a-girl-that's-as-good-and-pretty-as-you" and not "oh-dear-lord-I'd-better-smile-and-then-go-in-for-the-kill-to-save-the-world-from-such-hideousness" in a Stewie Griffin kind of way. It's easy when he doesn't really talk.

I won't look like the girl on the picture but very few people do anyway as she's stunning (think Mila Kunis but taller). I just know that I am very happy and I will feel pretty walking towards the love of my life (Baby N) and my husband-to-be (whatever his name is).

Now... those darned shoes!!

torsdag 23 juni 2011

Nya skor...igen.

Skorna jag hade tankt kopa struntar jag nog i. Jag tog beslutet att det var for mycket pengar for att chansa pa ett par skor fran USA iom annorlunda storlekar da "true to size" inte sager sa mycket nar man inte kan prova dem innan. Det vore ju for j-a typiskt att de skulle vara ett halvt nummer for sma eller alldeles for stora (vintertjocka sulor kanns ju inte helt ratt). Och, trots att jag hela tiden papekat att "man kan ha dem till en massa andra klader" sa vet jag inte om jag kommer anvanda dem igen och da blir det way too much money - aven om en del sager att man inte ska snala nar det galler ens brollop sa behover man ju inte bli helt sjovild heller.

Nu ska jag leta efter att par har i England och hoppas pa det basta.

Annars sa borjar allt falla pa plats. Ska bara forsoka fa tag pa kantorn (svara manniska!) igen ang den engelska psalmen.


måndag 6 juni 2011

Let there be shoes

Det kan hända att jag hittat The Bröllopssko. Den är helt galen, helt andra färger än jag tänkt och gör att jag får tänka om allt men jag tror jag är kär.

Och ja, den är hemlig fram till bröllopet :p

onsdag 27 april 2011


Jag har börjat göra en inspirationsvägg inför bröllopet. Grefven rådde mig till att välja tre stora magnettavlor som vi nu satt upp i lilla rummet - där har jag sedan börjat sätta upp bilder och urklipp från olika bröllopstidningar på allt som kan ge inspiration och idéer (eller som bara är vackert).

Bild kommer snart...

onsdag 20 april 2011

Stora steg framåt

Har spanat på Mirandas bröllop i Sex and the city (hennes bröllop är min inspiration till det utomhus "höst"bröllop som jag hoppas vi får), har bläddrat i x antal tidningar för att hitta inspiration till brudfrisyr (ska äntligen få klippa mig lite idag - bara fem månader sedan sist...) och jag har googlat på de blommor jag vill ha.

Grefven har ritat upp en skalenlig modell av ladan vi ska ha festen i och vi har kommit fram till att vi kan få plats med alla gäster. Men det blir trångt. Typ.

Jag vi har också börjat fundera över önskelista och den ska snart publiceras på vår bröllopssida.

Vid det här laget borde också de flesta inbjudningar ha kommit fram - hurra för att gästerna älskar inbjudningskortet lika mycket som jag gör!

onsdag 13 april 2011

Vi är på väg

Då har inbjudningskorten börjat dimpa ned hos folk. Inte hos alla dock, Grefven har inte fått ordning på alla namn och adresser ännu. Inte jag heller...

torsdag 31 mars 2011

Visst ska vi gifta oss

Jodå, det ska fortfarande bli bröllop här också, men vardagen har kommit emellan och bröllopsplanerandet läggs åt sidan. Inbjudningarna är på gång - allt är fixat förutom utskrifterna... Jag gillar verkligen våra inbjudningskort så jag vill verkligen få skicka ut dem snart.

Bröllopsbudgeten verkar hålla iaf, vi har redan sparat ihop mer än budgetplanen hade tänkt - detta tack vare att vi jobbat såpass mycket att det inte funnits ork och tid att spendera pengarna...

Jag längtar nu till påsk- och sommarlovet så bröllopsplanerandet sätts igång ordentligt.

torsdag 24 mars 2011

Still on

it's been a bit slow re. updates here for a while and I don't know about Miss E but I have had lots of other things on my mind. Not to mention that travelling, illness and now beautiful spring weather has kept me away.

The wedding is still on. Although I might be down to one flowergirl instead of two as Boyfriend's niece is very ill at the moment. I'm not bothered as long as she gets better.

Have still not bought a dress. *panic starting to set in*

The invites are ready to be produced and I have finally sorted out wording for those who are to go to Swedish guests. I know that I could just have them all in English but I am Swedish and my grandmother is 94 and I think she would appreciate one that she understands. Boyfriend's parents saw the invites the last time they were here and they were impressed that we'd done them ourselves so that's nice.

I just need to update the info-blog regarding where people can stay [cheaply]. It'll be in the middle of nowhere but that's how the cookie crumbles.


söndag 6 mars 2011


Had babysitters yesterday so Boyfriend and I went out to look at rings. Obviously we went to the same place we got my engagement ring. It's fab and they're sooo lovely there it feels like you're popping in to see great friends.

I had a look at a few but came back to one I'd seen when I got the E R and I quickly decided that it was The One.

Boyfriend, on the other hand, is not used to wearing rings (thank God) so needed a bit more time to try different types to find the one he wanted. he picked one that's the male version of mine (no stones) and slightly larger as it's 6mm compared to mine which is 3mm (but will be 6mm together with the E R). In the end he had 2 he was choosing between. He had one on his right hand and the other on his left hand, He looked at the one on his right and said "this is more masculine" and picked the one on his left.

The shopgirl and I laughed - a lot.

torsdag 3 mars 2011


Idag är det exakt 6 månader kvar till jag blir fru. Börjar kännas bättre och bättre :-)

torsdag 17 februari 2011

What's in a name?

Grefven ringde under lunchen idag och berättade att vigselförrättare är bokad. Spännande... Det börjar bli dags i att tag i det där med efternamn. Lite problem på den fronten an man väl säga då ingen av oss vill ta den andras efternamn, vi vill inte ha olika namn och vi har inga fantastiska, intressanta släktnamn att välja bland.

Åh dessa bekymmer!

onsdag 16 februari 2011

Tra la la så intressant

Bröllopsplanering - vem kom på nå't så dumt? Och hur fasiken orkar Grefven göra det dagarna i ända på jobbet?

Min åsikt är att det suger.

måndag 14 februari 2011

söndag 13 februari 2011

Great Minds Think Alike

It seems like Miss E and I have spent today doing the very same things! Isn't that funny? We went to find the right stuff for the invitations and got what we wanted, whadd'ya know?! We've already decided the style and wording for the invites so it's basically just to "do it" but first....

...it's time to send out the Save the Date Cards to my "homies" i.e. the ones living in Sweden. The English guests have already received theirs but they might need a tiinsy winsy bit more time to plan and book flights etc. So if everything goes to plan I'll post the StDC tomorrow. Finally!

Update: of course it didn't happen... Baby N was very unhappy so a big part of the night went to try to get him back to sleep. Once he was "down" it was time for Boyfriend and I to have dinner - we're talking nine-ish here and as it was quite a heavy meal it meant we spent the rest of the evening on the sofa watching recorded episodes of Boardwalk Empire. Maybe tonight...